Psychosocial Field
The THEE. Ordering here is based on a poorly understood correspondence with elements required by any communicative event as found in the .
are disparate, with distinct functions, and incompatible features. They have been organized and presented as a hierarchical list of Types i.e. the in
L'1: More:
L'2: More:
L'3: More:
L'4: More:
L'5: More:
L'6: More:
L'7: More:
See this info as a Matrix.
In formulating the , certain similarities were discerned but not emphasized. It is easier to grasp those similarities and discover more about how these methods potentially interact by plotting the methods on a Typology Essences Table (TET). The TET is a powerful analytic tool because it captures the personal context for the psychosocial field (PsH•) on which the operate.
A general explanation of how to develop the relevant Typology Essences Table (TET) is provided here.
Determine the TET Axes
The focus is on a flow of communications. Recall from the framework of endeavour that comes in to play to realize by affirming and explaining relevant realities and what will or may be done. In this act, psychosocial reality is created with the view to sharing it.
X Axis: the Social Output
The see dropdown above), some rather distant from endeavour. As a result, an output that is generally comprehensible and specifically understood by each and all is not necessarily the primary concern.
have their own functions (In every case, however, communicators are trying to get something across to someone. The output is therefore an «explication» of that something. The issue is therefore how correctly or accurately what is communicated matches the something. The term often used here is «veridical».

So the label used is: veridical explication. It is evident that the vary in the amount of effort and attention that needs to be given to this dimension.
Y Axis: the Psychological Requirement
The psychological requirement involves being sensitive to others and incorporating that sensitivity in what is communicated. So it is about the capacity for exercising control over the specifics of expression.
Sensitive control in expression may be required because participants in a discourse are diverse and distant in social terms, or distant in time and space, or in varying their states of mind. The degree and quality of impact desired is also relevant.
Sensitivity shows up in many ways e.g. precision, style, choice of terms, use of rhythm, rhetorical techniques &c.
So the label used is: expressive sensitivity. Again, it is evident that the vary in the amount of effort and attention that needs to be given to this dimension.
Recognize the Quadrants
The conclusion is that the
differ on:- how much focus is given to expressive sensitivity in any discourse.
- how much focus is given to veridical explication in any discourse.
As the diagram shows, the TET naturally becomes divided into 4 quadrants in accord with whether the method calls for a high or low focus on expressive sensitivity, and a high or low focus on veridical explication.
- Having clarified the psychosocial field, it is possible to plot the methods.
Originally posted: 27-May-2013. Last updated: 10-Feb-2023.